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Alicia Radage

b. 1989

Currently lives in UK




Artist in Residence Xenia Creative Retreat | July 2024

Solo exhibition 'Dream of the Mother Language' | Pictorum Gallery | London

DYCP Recipient |
‘Developing my Sculptural Practice’ | Arts Council England
‘Facet’ | Joint Exhibition with Benjamin Sebastian | Installation | VSSL | London
‘In The Pink’ | Group Show | Sculpture | Parlour Gallery | London
‘Autism Through Cinema’ Conference | Paper
presentation on video works | Queen Mary University of London, UK


Queer Art Project's Online Gallery Launch | Sculpture, Performance| reference point 180 | London UK 
Alicia Radage Solo Show | Installation
Sculpture, Video, Sound, Performance, Aluminium Print | Herbert Read Gallery | Canterbury UK 

'A Space For Healing' | Sculpture, Video, Aluminium Print | GIANT Gallery | Bournemouth, UK 

Whitstable Biennale | Installation, Sound, Video | Whitstable | UK

S MOM | Performance | Meno Parkas Gallery | Kaunas, LT

Performance Platform | Performance | London 

A Spring Gathering | Group Exhibition | Audio and Sculpture | San Mei Gallery London, UK


carve me | ONCA Arts | Residency Outcomes | 2D and Video Art | Brighton, UK.

Shape Arts Sustainability Series | Performance for Camera | Online

'Quake' | Performance and Video Art |CLAY, Leeds, UK.

'Quake' | Performance | VSSL, London, UK. 

Encountering A New Normal | Group Exhibition | Curator and Video Art | Online

'Beyond Human' | Artist Blogs | Shape Arts | Online


ANTHEMS PRIDE | Podcast | Broccoli Content and Sony

]PS[ SCREENS | Video | ]performance s p a c e [ | Folkestone, UK.

Come Hell Or High Water | Performance | Curated by Anne Bean | Three Colt Gallery, London, UK.


Live Art Development Agency | Public Talk | Assembly #2: Collectively Imagining New Contexts For Performance Art Teaching and Learning
Salvage Festival | performance ]s p a c e [ | Performance | Folkestone, UK.
F U T U R E  R I T U A L |Radage & Hardaker|Kunstraum|Performance|London,UK.

Assembly #2 | Truquet | Workshop Facilitator | Simiane-la-Rotonde, FR.


Interval Asia | Paersche | Performance | Essen, DE.

F U T U R E   R I T U A L | Hackney Showrooms | Performance | London, UK.

Move Closer | Vogue Fabrics | Performance | London, UK.

'Machi: Cuerpos Desconocidos' Group Exhibition | Photography | Bogotá, CO.

Casualty: Folkestone Visible Pride | Photography and Audio | Folkestone, UK.


'Becoming Constellation' Group Exhibition | Photography and Installation | London, UK. 

'Vanity' Group Exhibition | Photography and Performance | Bogotá, CO. 

'CuerpAs3' Feminist Performance Festival | Performance | Valparaíso, CL.


Venice International Performance Art Week | Performance| Venice, IT.

SPILL Festival of Performance | Performance | Ipswich, UK.

Tempting Failure Festival of Performance and Noise Art | Performance | London, UK.

Our Body Is A Bridge | Solo Photography Exhibition | The Skeleton House, London, UK.
Steakhouse Live: Tender Loin #6 | Performance | London, UK.
Performances of The Skeleton House |  Performance | Radage & Hardaker, London, UK.

Last Fridays, SECAM | Group Action | As part of ]performance s p a c e [ , Folkestone, UK.

F L I R T | Performance | Radage & Hardaker, Bristol, UK.


Emergency Festival | Durational Performance | Manchester, UK.
Live Art Bistro | Durational Performance | Radage and Hardaker, Leeds, UK.
Performances of The Skeleton House | Durational Performance | Radage & Hardaker, London, UK.

FIGHT CLUB | Durational Performance | London, UK.
Warwick Bar Fete| Site Specific Performance | CLUSTER BOMB [Collective], Birmingham, UK.


FADED | Durational Performance | London, UK.
V&A Lates | Performance | CLUSTER BOMB [Collective], V&A Museum, London, UK.
I AM | THE ISLAND | Performance | CLUSTER BOMB, Chisenhale Dance Space, London, UK.


LABseries | Durational Performance | Vienna, AT.
TEUFELS BERG | Performance |CLUSTER BOMB [Collective], Berlin, DE.
IPA Summer Platform | Durational Performance | collaboration with Jasmin Schaitl, Istanbul, TR.

(in)Xtricable | Public Art | Leeds, UK.
Sowing Seeds International Artists’ Residency Platform | Public Art | Rajasthan, INDIA.



]performance s p a c e [ Summer Residency Show | Performance | London, UK. (in)Xclusion | Durational Performance | Leeds, UK.

Repeat, Rewind, Rephrase | Performance and Video Art | London, UK.

e n c o u n t e r | Group Action | Southampton Solent University, UK.


Flare Festival | Performance | as part of stella* | Manchester, UK.

Rosemary Branch Theatre Supported Artists’ Scheme | Performance | as part of stella*, London, UK.


Kaspar, Edinburgh Fringe Festival | Director of a Theatre Production | Edinburgh, UK.



The Arts DeskArt Monthly | The Quietus | Orlando Magazine |  Incident Magazine |  London City Nights



2024 Hogchester Arts Artist in Residence | Dorset, UK

2021 ONCA Arts Artist in Residence | Brighton, UK

2017 Prainha Artists' Residency | Itanhaém, SP, Brazil

2016 ]performance s p a c e [ the future now | Folkestone, UK.
2015 ]performance s p a c e [ the future now | London, UK.
2014 TEUFELS BERG (the devil is (in the) listening | Berlin, DE.
2013 Sowing Seeds International Artists’ Residency | Rajasthan, INDIA. 2012 ]performance s p a c e [ Summer Residency | London, UK.


Workshop Facilitation:

Valparaíso University - BA Fine Art - Live Art Workshop

The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, The University of London - MA Advanced Theatre Practice - Live Art Workshop

Guest Projects - Live Art Workshop

University of Creative Arts - Artist Talk for Fine Art Department 


Central School of Speech and Drama, 2010-2011

MA Advanced Theatre Practice with Distinction

University of Birmingham, 2007-2010

BA Drama and Theatre Arts with 2:1

© 2021 Alicia Radage ​
© 2024 Alicia Radage ​
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